Show us your picture, we will show you ours.
For R-Rated films, patrons under the age of 17 require an accompanying parent or legal guardian. Anyone 25 or under must show ID. We reserve the right to ask that you present your ID at the box office, or lobby entrance.
- Refunds for unused tickets cannot be made after the feature start time.
- Actual and/or imitation weapons and other potentially harmful objects without a carry permit are prohibited.
- Carried-in items, including backpacks and bags, are subject to search before entry.
- Masks, hoods, costumes, and/or makeup that hide the face are not permitted.
- Outside food or drinks are not permitted inside the building.
- Smoking, chewing tobacco, and vapor cigarettes are not permitted.
- Devices that record, including electronic glasses, must be stored and turned off before entering any auditorium.
- Cell phones must be turned off before the previews begin.
- Excessive and/or loud talking is not permitted during the feature presentation.
- Profanity and/or rude behavior is not permitted.
- We reserve the right to refuse service including service of alcohol to anyone.
- No loitering in or around the building.
- No possession or use of drugs of any kind.

Make a Donation
Please consider making a donation to the Boyertown State Theatre: